Cave Exploration
A D&D Adventure
(C) 2017
For 1 Level 1 Character
You have just made the life-changing decision of becoming an adventurer. You will gain some experience by exploring a nearby cave rumored to be inhabited by goblins and other monsters.
First, you will need to purchase some equipment. In addition to battle gear, you should take care to bring a tinderbox and torches to light your way in the dark caves, as well as sacks to carry any treasure you may find. A rope and spikes are also useful to climb in hard to reach areas.
Once equipped, you hike out to the nearby hills and find the cave entrance you seek. It opens into a pitch black corridor.
Wandering Monsters: 1-6: Kobold, 7-10: Goblin, 11-14: Gnome, 15-17: Orc, 18-19: Skeleton, 20: Hobgoblin
1. This 30′ x 30′ stone room is unlit, with a natural rock ceiling and floor, and walls lined with flat stones and mortar. Dark passages head north, east, and west. At the end of each of these is an unlocked door.
2. In the southwest corner of the room are 2 Giant Rats (hp: 2, 3). About 150 cp lie on the floor around them.
3. A Goblin (1 hp) is sharpening his short sword. The room is lit by a torch in the wall. He carries 8 ep in a pouch. His leather armor, small shield, and short sword can be plundered.
4. Empty. A small chest is in the room. It contains 200 cp. A secret door leads to Room 7. A scroll on a bookshelf notes where it is located.
5. This room has a high ceiling that opens into a much larger cavern above. If the character chooses to go up there, he or she will find nothing but bats and guano. In Room 5, a swarm of 30 bats may confuse the character.
6. 3 Shriekers (hp: 12, 8, 17), appearing to be giant mushrooms, are in the northern end of the room, and will start shrieking in response to light (60′) or movement (30′). The PC may hear which direction WMs responding to the shrieks are coming from, and may choose to flee in the other direction.
7. A Hobgoblin (5 hp), armed with a short sword, is not surprised by the PC, having seen him or her coming with infravision. Apply a -1 penalty to his reaction roll. He carries a pouch with 8 sp, and the PC may plunder his leather armor, shield, and short sword. He also wears a distinctive ring, which allows the wearer to understand and read (if literate) the Goblin and Kobold languages.
8. A Skeleton (7 hp), armed with short sword, rises out of a long crate.
9. A treasure chest contains 500 sp, but if opened carelessly, the PC’s hand is cut by a dull blade (1-2 hp damage).
10. A stone sarcophagus has a hard-to-read inscription with the name and title of a knight, along with a coat-of-arms. 60 gp are scattered on the floor. If the PC attempts to gather the coins (10 coins per round), the sarcophagus lid moves (1 round), and a Zombie (10 hp) rises (1 round) and attacks the PC (1 round). The Zombie is armed with a normal sword, which is of fine craftsmanship and worth 80 gp.