VirtuaNES Quick Start Guide

  1. Download VirtuaNES.
  2. Install VirtuaNES in any folder (doesn’t have to be in program files), even on a removable Flash drive if desired.
  3. Download VirtuaNES games. Put these files in the same folder as VirtuaNES.exe
  4. Double-click VirtuaNES.exe to start. (It may be useful to create a desktop shortcut.) If using an NES-style controller, make sure this is first connected to USB port and driver is installed (should happen automatically).
  5. Go to Option -> Controller to view/change controller setup. By default, keyboard controls are selected for Controllers 1 and 2. You can change the keys for each control by clicking in each box and typing the preferred key. A convenient set of keys for Controller 1 is: arrow keys for up, left, right, down; B button = left Shift, A button = left Ctrl, Select = right Shift, Start = Enter. This way you can use the left middle and index fingers for B and A, and the right hand for the arrows. If you use an NES-style controller, just press each button on the controller after clicking the corresponding box. It should show that you are now using joystick controls. For two players, you can have one use a controller and the other use keyboard, or if both want to use controllers, It is best to use different brands so they are recognized as distinct. When control selections are complete, click OK.
  6. Go to File -> Open and select from list of games by clicking on file name and clicking “Open”. That’s it – you’re ready to play!

Note: The NES console Power and Reset buttons are simulated under the Edit menu as HW Reset and SW Reset respectively. A hardware reset is equivalent to powering the NES console off and on. A software reset is equivalent to hitting the reset button. For games that allow you to save your progress, it is recommended that you first do a SW Reset, and then close the game with “File -> Close”. You may want to make an extra copy of the game file so you have one that has no saved games or an earlier level of progress.